Saturday, March 19, 2011

More supernova

This is an image of N 63A a remnant left behind from a supernova located in the LMC which to us laymen is the large magellanic cloud which is the fourth largest galaxy in our local group.. what is our local group you ask, well lets get technical.

Lets start small and get big

Ok so it starts with our planet being part of the solar system, which surrounds a star. Many stars make up a sector of a galaxy in our case the spiral arm.

Add many sectors you get a galaxy ranging anywhere up to 100 million light years across.

Add a bunch of galaxies you get a group,

add a few groups you get a cluster,

add a few clusters you get a supercluster,

add a few superclusters and you have our universe.

This is an image of the LMC as seen by the hubble space telescope.
and in the LMC is a binary star system that went supernova together

and there it is, viewed falsely in Xray light and in Optical light.

These images are distributed under the creative commons license according to wikipedia.


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